Join Us In Funding

Reedville Baseball Program!

“Reedville baseball family, friends, and fans - Thank you so much for taking the time to view our fundraiser page. We have an amazing group of kids for the 2022 season. Your support will help us offer a higher quality experience for all participants. Raising dollars for extra curricular activities is very difficult to do but is vital for our program. If you could please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends via Email, Facebook and Twitter we would greatly appreciate it. Go Reedville!”



$12 of every RetroViewer set
purchase supports our team!

Receive our custom team
reel and make your own!

Purchase Your RetroViewer Set and Support Reedville Baseball!

Fundraising campaign ends August 31st, 2022

RetroViewer Fundraising Set – Reedville Baseball


Choose A Color

Select what color viewer you would like.

Additional Contribution

Additional Contribution (100% of the additional contribution goes to the program!)

Students Full Name


Add-ons total:


SKU: v1-1 Category:

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Black, Blue, Red, White

Additional Contribution (100% of the additional contribution goes to the program!)

$100, $0, $10, $25, $250, $50, $500

How It Works


Purchase your RetroViewer set
(and whatever additional contribution you wish you add).


Receive your viewer, team reel
and redemption code for your
custom reel.


Using your redemption code,
go to to
create your custom reel using
your own photos.

We will ship it within
5 business days.

Group 212

About RetroViewer

We’re a tad old school, but with new school vibes. Our foundation was built by Rich Dubnow (aka the most experienced 3D photographer in the world), who has produced work for creative visionaries like Jim Henson and Steven Spielberg. Our licensed (by Mattel) RetroViewer has been a nostalgic attraction with multi-generational appeal for decades and continues to build momentum.